Page 29 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 29

has evolved over billions of years. All   Even that is not enough. We must act to   administrations in place of the
          creatures and species play their part in   protect and enhance not only today’s web   governments that now primarily serve
          this infinitely interactive crosshatching   of life but tomorrow’s as well. Nietzsche   the financial interests of corporations.
          of organisms, and none occupies any   enriched our catalogue of virtues by   We must establish a more equitable, more
          privileged position or serve any exalted   one he called Fernstenliebe, ‘love of   just distribution of the earth’s bounty.
          purpose. Yes, humankind is special and   those far away’ – far away in space and   It all starts with education
          unique, but so are bats and cockroaches.   time. He contrasted it with Christian   – true education. Today’s educational
          While they have developed their     Nächstenliebe, ‘love of those next to   institutions have become vocational
          uniqueness to enjoy aeons of living on   you (i.e., your neighbours)’ which he   training centres. Of course we need
          this planet, the unfolding of our unique   considered to be ultimately a form of   engineers, doctors, mechanics, nurses,
          qualities has triggered a mass extinction   egotism since it was motivated by the   etcetera, and they must be trained. But
          of which we may well be the victims   expectation of the same neighbourly   education is more than acquiring skills
          ourselves. If we manage to self-destruct   treatment (“Love thy neighbour as   for a well-paying job. It is a journey of
          in this or the next century, we may well   thyself ”). Fernstenliebe calls for a love   the mind that should take us through the
          hold the record for the most short-lived   of the future, of the generations of   history not only of our own species but
          and most murderous creature on this   human and nonhuman creatures to   of life itself and indeed of the cosmos. It
          planet ever. Our grandeur is solely   come, who cannot repay us. The only   is a permanent quest for understanding
          the function of our own delusion that   benefit to the practitioners of this virtue   and knowledge, and cherishes above
          humanity is the measure of all things.  is that they fulfill their uniqueness as   all else beauty and truth. It must not
             We must disabuse ourselves of such   human beings by understanding the   only train our reasoning faculties, but
          criminal vanity. Here is a mind game that  world of which they are an inextricable   also, and more importantly, nurture and
          might help: imagine we could conduct a   part, accepting their place, and acting   refine our emotions and our imagination.
          poll in which all creatures on land, in the   accordingly. If life is to have any meaning   Only the mature interaction of these
          sea and in the air were asked to choose   at all, surely it has to be for each creature   three human faculties can guide us
          one species of animal they would like to   to bring to utmost expression its own   towards peace, fulfillment and happiness.
          see disappear from the face of the earth   unique characteristics within the   The first humanists understood
         – which species do you think would get   limits nature has staked out for us all.  that a true education must focus on the
          the overwhelming vote? The embarrassed   Eco-humanism is the next logical   Liberal Arts. The values by which we
          smile with which this proposition is   step in the evolution of the human   choose to live our lives are motivated
          usually received suggests that deep down   mind. What that entails in practical   by our emotions and conceived in the
          we know how appallingly we have abused   terms is so radical and all-encompassing.   imagination; reason supplies the tool
          the privilege of the chance to live.  We must learn to content ourselves   with which to implement them. Poetry,
             Having humbly accepted our place   with a more modest mode of living,   music, painting, fiction, along with
          in the web of life, transitory as all other   reduce our expectations and demands   history and philosophy – these are the
          species and on an equal footing with   on the world around us. This involves   tutors and custodians of the imagination
          them, no better than bats or cockroaches,   learning to enjoy who we are rather   and of our emotions. Thus eco-
          the next step in the second humanist   than revel in what we possess.  humanism reaffirms the principles that
          revolution is to act accordingly. That   We must cut back dramatically the   launched the first humanist revolution.
          means to act in a manner that will   burning of fossil fuels and the rape   Our children need to be exposed to and
          not inflict injury, suffering or death   of the earth’s resources. Lowering   instructed in them from the start, not
          unnecessarily on any of the creatures   population levels will help; so will   as some subsidiary activity but as part
          with whom we share the planet, but   alternative, sustainable sources of   of the mainstay of their educational
          instead to act to maintain and foster the   energy, but these can never satisfy our   experience. Only on that path will they
          well-being and diversity of the web of   current energy needs. We must lower   acquire the humility, compassion and
          life. The practical implications of such a   our energy demands, restrain our   understanding that form the foundation
          commitment call for nothing less than a   insatiable appetite for travel, forego   for any possible restoration of the web
          complete reorientation of our individual   some of our excessive indulgences   of life on our planet that will include a
          lives and a complete overhaul of our   in energy-guzzling luxuries. What   viable future for the human species along
          social institutions and their activities.  we need is sustainable retrenchment   with the other fellow-creatures. hp•
             If we are to survive the current global   instead of sustainable development.
          crisis, we must all become eco-humanists,  Either we commit to it voluntarily
          (i.e., we must act in the interests not just   or it will soon be forced upon us.  Henry Beissel is a poet and
          of ourselves and our neighbours, but   We must also take back the power     playwright, and is Distinguished
          also those of all fellow humans on the   and the right to govern our own    Emeritus professor of English
          planet, and indeed of all fellow creatures).  lives by creating truly democratic   at Concordia University.
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