Page 28 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 28

disinterested pursuit of the truth about   the fittest and that the fittest survive.   human tragicomedy, we must, now and
          the world we live in was at odds with   It took the killing of untold millions   first of all, recognize that the impending
          the assumptions on which we based   of human beings for the realization   disaster is of our own making. It is
          our scientific research. Inevitably the   to begin to dawn that the path of   the logical conclusion to the history
          gap grew, and eventually it became   power and pride leads into the abyss.  of a species that not only considers
          unbridgeable. The turning point came   Today we are facing that abyss. The   itself superior to all other creatures
          in the 19th century with Darwin’s epoch- assumption that the world     but thinks the world exists for its sole
          making work in evolutionary biology.  exists for our benefit has       benefit, as its own private fiefdom, and
             At first, the demonstration that   resulted in the devastation      that sees itself as nature’s supreme
          Natural Selection had led to the   of the entire planet. The           achievement, glorious, free and immortal.
          emergence of the human species     heedless pursuit of our pleasure, our   William R Catton, Jr, in his study
          seemed to confirm the idea that homo   comfort, our happiness and our   Overshoot (1980), shows that the suicidal
          sapiens constituted the pinnacle of the   ceaseless gratification, regardless of the   course we are embarked on is common in
          evolution of life, its supreme achievement.  other creatures, is destroying the very   nature. It is the inevitable fate of species
          It took time for the implications   conditions on which we depend for our   an evolutionary fluke has endowed with
          of Darwin’s discoveries to be fully   survival. Our forests, the earth’s lungs,   some special quality that made them
          understood. Being the last to      are being brutally amputated by the axe   particularly successful in the struggle for
          arrive on the scene doesn’t        and the chainsaw; our rivers and oceans   survival. Their very success induces them
          mean you’re the focus of           are dying from industrial pollution   to overshoot the limits of sustainable
          the event. Far from supporting     which is spreading disease around the   survival and deconstruct their habitat. In
          any notion of human supremacy in   world; global warming is engendering   fact, their success is their undoing. That
          the order of nature, evolution clearly   increasingly extreme weather conditions   pattern ominously fits homo sapiens.
          argued both the randomness and the   producing catastrophic storms, floods,   So, perhaps we are simply acting out
          transience of our appearance on this   droughts, fires; the polar ice caps are   the laws of nature. But our species is
          planet. Had the Cretaceous comet   melting and will put much of the    unique for its ability to think, to abstract
          not cleared the decks for a luxuriant   civilized world under water within this   and to make predictions. That, in turn,
          mammalian boom, we would not be    century; the biosphere is undergoing a   enables us to adjust our actions to bring
          here to talk about it. Changing habitats   mass extinction – except for its human   about specific events or to prevent them
          and adaptation to them, mutation and   population which has reached six-  from occurring. If, to take a hypothetical
          natural selection – these alone determine   and-a-half billion and is increasing by   example, we were to drastically reduce
          the coming and going of species. And   two hundred thousand every day; the   our burning of fossil fuels tomorrow,
          since the laws that govern the operations   majority of humans live in abject poverty   the earth’s atmosphere might have a
          of energy and mass guarantee constant   now while a few acquire fairy-tale wealth,   chance to recover and global warming
          changes in the environment, it is a   and the gulf between them continues   would slow down, even come to a
          foregone conclusion that they will   to grow; the supply of oil necessary to   stop. This might preserve us from some
          eventually create conditions that will   meet vital energy needs has peaked   of the disasters now approaching so
          replace human with some other animal   and will soon dry up along with many   alarmingly. In other words, we need not
          kind. It is only a question of time.  other resources of the earth we have   continue marching into self-destruction.
             So, ironically, at the same time   plundered to the point of exhaustion.  We have, theoretically,
          Nietzsche declared the Christian idea   This (partial) catalogue of    the necessary level of
          of God dead, Darwin’s work implied   catastrophic developments is not the   awareness and the freedom
          the death of the Christian-Humanist   product of the raving mind of some   of action to change course
          idea of Man. His discoveries allowed   pessimistic misanthrope. It is, quite   for a more sustainable
          for no teleological interpretations of the   on the contrary, based on research and   future. To effect that
          evolution of life. Instead, they proved   reason, and lists the consequences of a   change requires a second
          that nothing necessitated the emergence   heedless self-centred mega-optimism, an  humanist revolution.
          of humanity and nothing would prevent   unprecedented human hubris. Almost   Just as the first humanist revolution
          its demise. With this blow to the human   daily, new studies are added to the   removed God from the centre of the
          ego, an atmosphere of doom descended   growing literature bearing witness to   world and replaced him with Man, so
          upon central Europe at the end of the   the rapid and frightening degradation   we must now remove Man and replace
          19th century. The anti-hero was born,   of our environment. For those who   him with Life itself. We must now apply
          and the two wars that devastated the   understand the implications, they add   the very perspective the Renaissance
          20th century can be seen as a form of   up to nothing less than the apocalypse.   humanists recovered for the history
          existential revolt, a desperate attempt   And time is running out. If we are to   of humankind to the history of life.
          to prove that the most powerful are   be spared a terrible final curtain to the   What emerges is an intricate web that
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