Page 27 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 27

and hagiography: the lives of real human   by means of the freedom to whose   John Gray, in Straw Dogs (London
          beings became the subject for writers and   power I have entrusted you. I have   2002), attacks humanists as merely
          painters. Nor was it any accident that   placed you at the centre of the world   the inheritors of the Christian belief
          perspective in painting was a Renaissance   so that from that point you might   in the superiority of human beings
          innovation. True knowledge, true      see better what is in the world. I   over all other forms of life and in their
          understanding, the humanists argued,   have made you … so that, like a free   ability “to be masters of their own
           depended on seeing objects, individuals,   and sovereign artificer, you might   destiny”. This is a catchy opening to an
           events, ideas in their proper time and   mold and fashion yourself into that   otherwise insightful and challenging
          place. Thus history was restored as an   form you yourself shall have chosen.  study of what it means to be human,
          important component of the human                                        but its attempt to dismiss humanism as
           quest. By rejecting the scriptural Love of   This ‘heretical’ declaration must   just another form of anthropocentric
          Money is the root of all Evil (1 Timothy   have struck the Europe of its time   religion is simplistic, erroneous and
          6:10), and recognizing money not only as   like a cannon shot. God had been   ignorant of the diversity and complexity
          a necessary means of exchange but as a   removed from the centre of the world   of modern humanist thought, an
          legitimate means of social advancement,   and replaced by Man. The discovery of   unfortunate exercise in shadow-boxing.
          the humanists even set the study and   America and Copernicus’ heliocentric   However, such a misreading is
          application of economics on course.  system of the planets, Newton’s laws of   inherent in the origins of humanism
             Humanism was not in its inception   physics and Darwin’s discovery of the   and in its name. After all, Pico della
          anti-religious. Most of the early humanist   evolutionary processes in nature, the   Mirandola does claim that we, unlike the
          thinkers were devout Christians. But   works of Shakespeare, the Reformation,   other creatures, are free and sovereign
          they opposed the tyranny of the Catholic   capitalism, communism, existentialism,   artificers who take and possess our place
          Church and its interpretation of the   atheism, feminism – all have their   in the world and fashion ourselves by
          Bible with its depressing doctrine of the   origin in this first humanist revolution.  our own decision and choice … without
          world as a valley of tears and human   The shift from a God-centered to a   restraint from any barrier. This is a
          life as a path of suffering to atone for   Man-centered universe was a swing of the   secular restatement of the Christian
           some imagined original sin in hope   pendulum from one extreme to another.   view of the supremacy of Man, and I
          of a better life in the hereafter. They   It was a necessary step in the history   daresay many humanists still harbour
          insisted that God had endowed human   of our species, but like all extremes   such notions since a commitment to
          beings with intelligence and a free   it was bound to end up undermining   human self-determination by the power
          will so that they should exercise them.   the very foundations of the new world   of reason is central to their philosophy.
          Only later, when Protestantism with   order it set out to create. Everything   In the absence of any clear statement to
          its obsessive puritanism proved itself as   implies its opposite and to the same   the contrary, outsiders can therefore be
          repressive as the Roman church, and it   extent. The conviction that humanity is   forgiven if they see humanists in this
          became clear that the God manifest in   the creator of its own world – in effect,   anthropocentric light. The fact is
          the Bible was irreconcilable with the   the deification of Man – has brought   that the rigorous rational
          world as it gradually revealed itself to   upon us a crisis of such catastrophic   pursuit of knowledge and
          the disciplined inquiry of the human   proportions that it now rivals the   truth which humanism
          mind, did humanism turn away from   Cretaceous terminal cataclysm around   itself launched has,
          all forms of institutionalized religion.  67 million years ago when all life forms   ironically, brought us not
             Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494),   weighing more than 25 kg became extinct  full-, but half-circle around to a
          in his Oration on the Dignity of    and the rest was radically decimated.   position that negates some of the original
          Man, still puts what I consider to   The current one, which is of our own   humanist assumptions, and we must
          be the first Humanist Manifesto     making, has the potential of putting   now summon the courage to confront
          in the mouth of God:                an end to the human species itself just   this second revolution in our ideas.
                                              as the Cretaceous extinction wiped out   The seeds for the reversal of our view
            I have given you, Adam, neither a   the dinosaur. The complete freedom we   of humanity’s importance were inherent
             predetermined place nor a particular   reached for has made us prisoners of our   in our self-aggrandisement. As Pico della
             aspect nor any special prerogatives in   own technological achievements. It is   Mirandola placed Man at the centre of
             order that you may take and possess   time for the second humanist revolution   the world, the new astronomy removed
             these through your own decision and   to restore a larger perspective to our   the planet earth from the centre of the
             choice. The limitations on the nature   understanding of the world we inhabit   solar system and eventually the solar
             of other creatures are contained   and our place in it. Reason and its   system far from any imaginable centre
             within my prescribed laws. You   disciplined application to observation   of the universe, thereby effectively
             shall determine your own nature   and experiment, on which we rest our   undercutting any claim to human
             without restraint from any barrier,   case as humanists, demand no less of us.   supremacy. From the beginning, the
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