Page 26 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 26

the Second

                     Humanist Revolution



                                                       by Henry Beissel

                        umanism is a          the human mind as to render them    eruption. Their call was to the liberation
                        philosophical         incapable of arriving at reliable, true   of human beings and of the human spirit.
                        and literary          insights into the nature of things   They went back to the philosophers of
                        movement that         without divine guidance. All knowledge   antiquity and recovered from the classical
          Hchanged the face of                and truth had their source in God and   Greek and Roman texts the ideas of
           the world. Born in late 14th and early   were therefore revelatory, not the fruit   human freedom, of the worth of the
          15th century Italy as a protest against   of human reason and observation.  individual, of democratic government,
           the dogmatic absolutism of mediaeval   But the human spirit will not,   and of scientific and intellectual inquiry
           Catholicism, it quickly spread across   in the long run, be suppressed, and   after truth and the nature of things.
           Europe and created the intellectual   everything is in constant flux and   The consequences of this revolution
           conditions for the Renaissance,    must change. Every system of thought   in our ideas about ourselves and the
           thus launching the modern age.     and action contains the seeds of    world are difficult to exaggerate. It was
              The Middle Ages saw the social order   its own transcendence. Behind the   as though a new and brilliant light
           on earth as an imperfect replica of the   apparently rigid, dogmatic exterior   had burst upon a gloomy darkness.
           order of Heaven – a hierarchy centred on   of medieval Catholicism, forces were   Renaissance painting conveys a visceral
           God who had assigned, just as in heaven   at work to undermine it. Theological   sense of this startling illumination of
           his angels and seraphim, everyone on   disputes grappling with doctrinal   the world. It resounds with the cry for
           earth his or her place on the ladder of   contradictions eventually reasserted the   freedom – freedom from repression
           social rank – from the king at the top   ability of the human mind to discover   by dogma, by self-appointed authority,
           to the poor, unlettered and bondaged   truth by observation and thought,   by the warlords of Church and State.
           peasants and labourers at the bottom.   though only under the guidance and   Humanism set in motion the slow,
           It was a static worldview, convenient   ultimate authority of the Church.  tumultuous march towards democracy; it
           and flattering to those enjoying power   If the humanist revolution was thus   opened doors and windows to scientific
           and privilege, but a life sentence of   prepared by the soul-searching debates   inquiry and promoted the technological
           slavery for the majority of people.  within the fortress of medieval Faith,   application of its insights; it liberated
             This social structure was built   the humanist thinkers of the 14th   education from stifling traditions and
           on an equally confining doctrinaire   and 15th centuries, who rose in revolt   established the study of the liberal arts
           intellectual base. The Fall of Adam   against the repressive dominance of   as the true path to self-realization.
           and Eve, the Catholic Church taught,   the Church, nevertheless broke upon   The arts took a dramatic turn away
           had so corrupted human senses and   the scene with the force of a volcanic   from the artificialities of myth, legend
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