Page 120 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 120

United Nations                    Nations Unies
                                                     NGO SECTION, DESA
                                           1 UN Plaza, Room DC1-1480, New York, NY 10017
                                               tel: (212) 963-8652 / fax: (212) 963-9248

                                                                                  New York, 21 July 2006
                Dear Mr. Marc Carl,

                     We would like to inform you that the Economic and Social Council, in its Substantive Session
                of July 2006, decided to grant Special consultative status to the organization "Gaia Mater".

                      The organization may now designate official representatives to the United Nations, to the
                United  Nations  Headquarters  in  New  York  and  the  United  Nations  offices  in  Geneva  and
                Vienna.  Designated  representatives  can  pick  up  their  passes  in  person  at  the  designated  site.
                Needless  to  say,  the  regular  presence  of  your  organization  will  allow  your  organization  to
                implement effectively and fruitfully the provisions for this status.

                      Please note, in particular, Parts II, IV, and VII of the Council Resolution 1996/31, describing
                the procedures for carrying out your consultative relationship with the Council. Also, kindly note
                Part  IX,  paragraph  61c  which  requests  that  organizations  in  General  and  Special  consultative
                status submit quadriennial reports on their activities. Your first report covering the period 2006-
                2009 should be submitted to the Committee in 2010.

                      The United Nations issues a calendar of meetings and conferences, which can be obtained by
                your  representatives  at  the  United  Nations.  Every  year,  you  will  receive  from  this  office  the
                "Calendar of United Nations" and other NGO-related information can also be found on our web

                      Finally, should you whish to indicate your status with the United Nations on your letterhead,
                please use the following wording "NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and
                Social Council  of  the  United  Nations".  The  United  Nations emblem  may  not  be  used,  unless
                express approval has been granted by the Legal Office of the United Nations. This is neither
                granted for stationery use, nor for any printed materials describing your organization.
                We look forward to a productive relationship with your organization and its representatives.

                                                                    Sincerely yours,

                                                                    Hanifa Mezoui, Chief
                                                                    NGO Section / DESA

                  Mr. Marc CARL
                  Gaia Mater
                  Boite postale no. 22
                  78340 Les Clayes sous Bois
                  FAX: 33 0611472856
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