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                        Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection Vol. 2, N  5, 2005, pp. 455 - 463

                                   EDUCATION AND ENGINEERING ETHICS

                                Received June 2, 2005       UDC 504:070.11.17
                                           Vesna Nikolić, Vesna Miltojević

                          Faculty of Occupational Safety, 18000 Niš, Čarnojevića 10, Serbia and Montenegro

                           Abstract. Keeping in mind the beliefs of our numerous contemporaries that we are living
                           in a society of high technological, social and ecological risks, the authors point to both
                           the positive and negative consequences of technical and technological development, and,
                           in that context, the need for an eco-humanization of engineering education. The specific
                           feature of the eco-humanist  orientation lies exactly in its universality; it implies  an
                           attitude towards nature, man, work and, most of all, Life as a general value. Relating to
                           this, an engineer's moral responsibility is coupled with  such  personal  qualities  as  the
                           ability of predicting more immediate and further consequences of one's activities, as well
                           as the possession of such merits as prediction and risk prevention, self-control, a critical
                           attitude  towards  one's  own  self,  others, etc. Voluntary adherence to the moral
                           requirements, related to an engineer's professional activities, assumes a developed belief
                           in the need for such behavior, instead of the fear of possible punishment and condemnation
                           by others. The  building-up  of engineering ethics and the moral responsibility as its
                           backbone,  assumes  the  need for a complex and holistic approach to the professional
                           education of the engineers which is, in practice, contrary to traditional  (pragmatic)
                           education. Therefore, the authors of this paper think that it would not be pretentious to
                           consider the reform of engineering education as the fundamental issue of the future, that
                           is, as the most significant issue of the society's development without prejudice, political
                           bias and outdated ways of thinking.
                           Key Words: Engineering, Eco-humanization of Education, Engineering Ethics,
                                     Sustainable Development

                          The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries are marked by the development of
                       science which is itself considered as the cause of the greatest quantitative and qualitative
                       changes in history. To paraphrase F. Mayor, not at any moment has knowledge with its
                       most rational forms in the shape of scientific findings stopped advancing and improving

                                      OBRAZOVANJA I ETIKA INŽENJERA

                                           Vesna Nikolić, Vesna Miltojević

                          Imajući u vidu stavove brojnih savremenika da  živimo  u  društvu  tehnološkog,  socijalnog  i
                       ekološkog rizika, autori ukazuju na pozitivne i negativne posledice tehničko-tehnološkog razvoja i
                       u tom kontekstu na potrebu ekohumanizacije tehničkog obrazovanja. Specifičnost ekohumanističke
                       orijentacije, upravo, je u njenoj univerzalnosti; podrazumeva odnos prema prirodi, čoveku, radu, a
                       pre svega Životu kao opštoj vrednosti. S tim u vezi moralna odgovornost inženjera je povezana sa
                       takvim ličnim kvalitetima, kao što  su  sposobnost  predviđanja bližih i daljih posledica svojih
                       aktivnosti, prognoze i predupređivanja rizika, samokontrole, kritički odnos prema sebi, drugima
                       itd. Dobrovoljno pridržavanje moralnih zahteva,  vezanih za profesionalno  delovanje inženjera,
                       pretpostavlja razvijeno ubeđenje u neophodnost takvog postupanja, a ne zbog straha od moguće
                       kazne i osude drugih. Izgrađivanje etike inženjera i moralne odgovornosti kao njenog  stožera
                       predodređuje potrebu kompleksnog, holističkog pristupa profesionalnom  obrazovanju  ovih
                       kadrova, suprotstavljenom u praksi tradicionalnom (pragmatičnom) pristupu. Stoga, autori ovog
                       rada, smatraju da ne bi bilo pretenciozno da se reforma tehničkog obrazovanja razmotri kao
                       temeljno pitanje budućnosti, odnosno kao najznačajnije pitanje razvoja društva, bez predrasuda,
                       političke pristrasnosti i zastarelih načina mišljenja.
                       Ključne reči: tehnika, ekohumanizacija obrazovanja, inženjerska etika, održivi razvoj
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