Page 42 - Annales EH 1998-2018
P. 42

The Polish Federation for Life

             Polish Academy of Sciences, Dialogue and Universalism, Metaphilosophy as the Wisdom of Science ,
             Art and Life”, no. 4-5/2002.                            - “ Zielone Brygady”,  nr 4(149)/2000, 16-29.2.2000

                                            Appeal for Ecohumanism
                        and the Creation of Information Basis for Sustainable Development

           To all people of good will!

           We speak to you because we are concerned about the fate of the Human Race and of the
           Earth. The World is in crisis.

           We are exploiting our natural resources of minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining
           access to alternative sources. We are polluting the natural environment and soil faster than
           the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs.
           Depreciation (devaluation) - moral degradation of the existing forms of living - is going
           on faster than new forms, consistent with new living conditions for humans and for nature,
           are being introduced. This situation is complicated also due to demographic expansion,
           especially in those parts of the human family that are lagging in their development.

           This crisis results mainly in lack of adjustment of two dominating systems - the system of
           values and the economic system - to the contemporary state of changes in the living
           conditions of humans and nature. These changes are proceeding very fast with the
           development of science and technology.

           At the same time, there is no absolute deficit of material resources (minerals, fuels,
           ecological resources). However there is a lack of knowledge, technology, active
           intellectual potential and human conscience, and time - the factors that are necessary for
           limiting the futile utilization of scarce resources, as well as for developing alternative
           sources, whilst the resources which are currently under exploitation are being drained.

           This crisis not only constitutes a serious hazard for everybody; it also constitutes an
           opportunity. This opportunity will occur if we carry out a radical reconstruction of the

           mentality and social relations, which could create the possibility for sustainable

           Currently two methods of overcoming the global crisis seem to be possible.

           The first, traditional method is based on decreasing the number of consumers of the
           resources that are in deficit. This method represents a pathology of social Darwinism -
           eco-fascism that leads to ecological holocaust of the weak, and subsequently - to the
           extinction of all humans.

           The second method is based on the popularization of intellectual creative activity aimed at
           the common good and supported by science and high technology. This would be an
           ecohumanistic method.

           Ecohumanism is a partnership-based co-operation for the common good of all people
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